It's always a little bit wild to realize that although it looks like a blizzard outside, we are nearly ready to start our first seeds inside! We have had a quiet winter season so far and are now gearing up for the promise of spring. We have a pig, Ginger, who should be farrowing any day now and a greenhouse that will be fired up in about 2 weeks. The seeds have all arrived, the planting maps are done, and I am in the midst of ordering all the other needed supplies such as compost. Starting transplants in the greenhouse is my favourite way to start the spring and I am excited to be offering flower, herb, and vegetable transplants for sale this year! These transplants will be available through pre-order only (orders due March 16th). All of our transplants are grown from certified organic seed and potting soil. Unlike the transplants found in many big-box garden centres, we offer heirloom varieties suited to our growing conditions. They will lovingly tended, watered, and free from any insecticide treatments. Our flower varieties focus on pollinator friendly plants and our herbs and vegetables are varieties well suited to home gardens. If you would be interested in placing an order for your home garden, please complete the Transplant Order Form and email to [email protected] or call 519.265.3335. For full descriptions of the available transplants, please read Transplant Descriptions. Pricing details are included in the Transplant Description file. All plants will be available for pickup on the farm the weeks of May 13th and 20th. I will also be doing a delivery of plants to Guelph on Thursday, May 16th from 4:30 - 5:30pm in the parking lot of St James Anglican Church. Stay tuned to this blog and our social media channels for spring updates from the farm. All share members can expect a welcome email in mid May with all the season's details!
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February 2020